Café Togaether
Student project
A cross-disciplinary semester project by Famkje Elgersma, Mirjam Kislinger and Haoxiang Wang
What is the difference between a game and reality?
In a game, everyone is needed and trusted with a certain task.
Café Togaether is a game that relies on its visitors. With their contributions, the visitors take care of each other and create a surrounding where everyone feels valued and comfortable.
At Café Togaether visitors dare to care about their surrounding while the surrounding takes care of them simultaneously.
This project builds on the idea that when offering the framework conditions for a conscious exchange, where people are talking and willing to understand one another, a more empathetic co-living with strangers would be easily possible.
Café Togaether provokes compassionate interaction between strangers.
Photos: © Marcus Kautz + Elisabeth Kopf